Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Carrefour bread

I am not sure, and, maybe its just me, but I find that the bread from Carerefour is really yeasty, if there is such a word!

Yesterday I picked up a large wholewheat loaf, and some chocolate donoughts, and I am completely unable to eat the bread. Everytime, I come close to eating it, a strong yeasty smell engulfs and overpowers my oalfactory senses, rendering it nigh impossible to have the bread. My 7 year old, who usually loves donoughts refused to eat them cos they smelt "strange"!

Or maybe, I am just fussy. I dont even like Rich Bake that is available in supermarkets. The bread is way too soft, in fact sometimes I suspect that its not fully baked. I prefer the sandwich or the multi-grain pre-packed Monginis bread which is quite decent. Otherwise, shall continue to pick up my bread from Bread Basket on Road 9 or Fino on Road 213 esp the multi-grain ones!

An early morning post on food? Well struggled with the Carrefour loaf while preparing son's lunch box at 6.30 in the morning, hence the irritation!


Anonymous said...

if i was in your shoes, i return to Carffour and complain to it's administration cuz this will make it never happen to someone else.

Connie said...

Donuts are a no in Cairo. They just are NOT right. Cinnabons are nice - but the times we've tried to 'pick up a box' we are always informed that they do not open or bake until much later.. and who wants a Cinnabon later (well, obviously, people do, but in this heat ...ew!) Our favorite bread here is the baladi bread... it's the perfect bread.

Manisha said...

An- Egyptian - hmmm, maybe I should have except that I was too lazy and it seemed too long a trek just to complain about bread! But yeah, it could have ensured that it didn't happen to someone else!

Manisha said...

Connie, I love the baladi bread as well..warm, it tastes lovely wth all the spicy Indian curries!